The 1% water archive contained a library of fresh water samples

Collected by local communities, the library included samples from rivers to sewage and industrial water

‘The State of Water’ installation by Karlssonwilker in Use & Abuse

‘The State of Water’ installation showed global water usage

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Mobile Intervention Unit by Studio Orta; graphic illustrated typical household water consumption in industrialised nations


1% Water and Our Future, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 2008 

Co-curated by Jane Withers and Ilse Crawford, the title of this exhibition alluded to the percentage of the world’s water which is available for human consumption.1% Water and Our Future set the agenda for change by challenging us to rethink how we use and value this most critical resource. Showcasing works, concepts and experimental environments by designers, artists and scientists, the exhibition was conceived thematically: Use & AbUse focussed on the challenges we face through issues such as climate change and growing global populations; Sacred Waters explored water in relation to our psyche and the senses; and Reconnect brought together ideas shaping current change and showed how these are being translated into designs and concepts that are shaping a new water consciousness where water is used both more responsibly and more imaginatively.

Photography Kristof Vrancken

Exhibition Guide

Malamp series by Brandon Ballengée documented the artist’s field research into amphibian malformation 

Malamp samples showed deformed amphibians

The Sacred Waters theme explored the cultural meanings and value of water; Stamping The Water by Song Dong


In Sacred Waters, the Water Wunderkammer featured objects associated with water rituals and ceremonies

Ablution vessels, 1900-2000; medieval Aquamanile vessel 

Model of Egyptian funereal boat, c. 2000BC

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Drawing on Masaru Emoto's research, Tasting Waters invited visitors to ‘taste’ five waters influenced by different things such as music

Healing Water revitalised by a practitioner of the Bovis Theory of Dowsing


Reconnect installation staged as inventor’s workshop showcased experimental work by designers exploring new ways with water

Wall collage of concepts for harvesting, saving and purifying water

Matlo, an alternative water cooler using terracotta, traditionally used to cool water by evaporation, by Doshi Levien


Rain Catcher, by Jordi Canudas, collected rainwater for use in the exhibition

reHOUSE/BATH, by Fulgaro & TJAW, used water from bathing to grow plants

Pig Toilet, by Atelier van Lieshout, explored a dry alternative to modern sanitation systems 

In Reconnect visitors were invited to share ideas